A <header> node is always present.
<name> Example Map </name>
<author> Samuel Penn </author>
<id> example.1066074818754 </id>
<parent> none </parent>
<version> $Revision: 1.1 $ </version>
<date> $Date: 2004/07/10 21:46:22 </date>
<type> World </type>
<shape> Hexagonal </shape>
<imagedir> hexagonal/standard </imagedir>
<format> 0.2.1 </format>
header:: (name, author, id, parent, cvs, type, shape, imagedir, format) cvs:: (version, date)
The human readable name of the map. This does not have to be unique, and is only used for presentation purposes.
The author of the map. Human readable, and is not used in processing in any way.
Unique identifier for this map. It is generated when the map is first created. Currently it consists of the name originally given to the map followed by the current time in milliseconds.
It is used if this map is referenced by another map, so must not be changed.
A <map> is not designed to be rendered directly since it represents graphical rather than textual data. It is meant to be loaded by Mapcraft and displayed within as a Java JComponent.